Web Technologies

In this Web Technologies Course, you will learn HTML, HTML ADVANCE, CSS, JAVA SCRIPT, JQUERY, PHP, MYSQL, HYPER TEXT PREPROCESSOR & more.


This course supports exploration of design, development, support, and management of software, multimedia, and systems integration services.

Course Brochure

  • For whom this Course is meant?

    ✔ Designed for any undergraduates or job seekers and professionals who want to enhance their technical knowledge.
    ✔ Studying/Studied GRADUATION.
    ✔ Any Graduate/engineer who is interested in Coding.
    ✔ Freshers/Graduates.
    ✔ Non-programming engineers.

  • Why take this course?

    ✔ This course is blended with IT industry experience where even a fresher can start working on projects in the IT industry easily.
    ✔ This Course gives desired knowledge on coding which is the entry-level criteria for any interview.
    ✔ This Course gives confidence to a fresher to start work as a Web Developer from the day of joining.
    ✔ Affordable Fee Structure.

  • In addition, this course helps you

    ✔ Improve your logical thinking: Improve your problem-solving abilities.
    ✔ Improve your searching skills: Understand how software applications work.
    ✔ Find a nice and well-paid job: Improve your self-confidence.
    ✔ 100% JOB ASSISTANCE after completion of the course to make your Profile reach Hundreds of Recruiters in our network and with the company we have tied up.

Introduction to Internet
Web Browsers
Web Servers
Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
Overview of different protocols
Web Architecture
Web Standards
Domain name and hierarchy
domain name registration process
web hosting
Origins and evaluation of HTML
Basic Syntax
Standard HTML Document Structure
Basic Text Formatting
Images, Hypertext Links, Lists
Tables, Frames, Forms
Multimedia in HTML
Introduction and Levels of Style Sheets
Style Specification Formats
Style classes Properties
Property values
the span<> tag
the div<> tags
Basics of Java script
Document Object Model
Element Access in Java scripts
Event and event handling
DOM Event Model
Element Positioning
Moving elements
Element visibility
Changing colors
Changing fonts
Dynamic content
Stacking elements
Locating the mouse cursor
reacting to a mouse click
Dragging and dropping elements
Origins and Uses of PHP
Overview of PHP
General Syntactic Characteristics
Primitives, Operations, and Expressions
Control Statements
Arrays, Functions, Basic Pattern Matching
Form Handling, Files Handling
Cookies, Session Tracking, Database Access with PHP and MySQL
Datatypes and Constraints
Statements in SQL
Software installation
Data Query Language (DQL)
Functions in SQL
Sub Query
Pseudo Columns
Co- Related Sub Query
Data Definition Language (DDL)
Data Manipulation Language (DML)
Transaction Control Language (TCL)
Data Control Language (DCL)
E R Diagrams