In this SAP Course, you will learn HRM, PP, FSCM, PS, HR, MM, SD, FICO & more.


This course includes training in human resource software administration, database management, and business training. SAP certification can be obtained as part of a degree program or as a stand-alone course.

Course Brochure

  • For whom this Course is meant?

    ✔ Designed for any undergraduates or job seekers and professionals who want to enhance their technical knowledge.
    ✔ Studying/Studied GRADUATION.
    ✔ Any Graduate/engineer who is interested in Coding.
    ✔ Freshers/Graduates.
    ✔ Non-programming engineers.

  • Why take this course?

    ✔ This course is blended with IT industry experience where even a fresher can start working on projects in the IT industry easily.
    ✔ This Course gives desired knowledge on coding which is the entry-level criteria for any interview.
    ✔ Affordable Fee Structure.

  • In addition, this course helps you

    ✔ Improve your logical thinking: Improve your problem-solving abilities.
    ✔ Improve your searching skills: Understand how software applications work.
    ✔ Find a nice and well-paid job: Improve your self-confidence.
    ✔ 100% JOB ASSISTANCE after completion of the course to make your Profile reach Hundreds of Recruiters in our network and with the company we have tied up.

ERP Concepts
Role of SAP Consultant
Why SAP is in demand?
Finance Overview
Accounts and Accounting
Posting Period
Account Group and Retained Earning Account
Field Status Variant
Tolerance Group
Other Basic Steps
Other topics in GL
Blocking of an GL Account
Reference Documents
Reversal of Document
Open Item Management
Settings in AR
Down Payment
Customer Credit Memo
Settings in AP
Down Payment
Vendor Credit Memo
Special and Important Topics
Sales Tax
Clearing Outstanding between Customer and Vendor
Cash Discount
Integration between FI and SD
Financial Statement Version
Integration between FI and MM
Chart of Depreciation
Account Determination
Screen Layout
Asset Master Creation
Asset Class
Depreciation Keys etc.
Acquisition of Asset
Asset Sale
Scrapping of an Asset
Transfer of Asset
GL Reports
AR Reports
AP Reports
AA Reports
Defining Controlling Area
Assigning Controlling Area to Company Codes
Defining Number Ranges for Controlling Documents
Creating Cost Element Groups
Manual Creation of Primary and Secondary Cost Elements
Automatic Creation of Primary and Secondary Cost Elements
Creating Cost Center Hierarchy Key
Creating Cost Center Groups
Manual Repost Line Items
Automatic Reposting Line Items
Creating Cost Centers
Periodic Reposting
Creating Distribution Cycle
Creating Order Types
Creating Number Ranges
Creating Internal Orders
Profit Center Accounting
Creating Profit Center Hierarchy
Creating Profit Center Groups
Creating Profit Centers
Creating Dummy Profit Center
Automatic Assignment of Balance Sheet A/c and P&L A/c to profit center
Product Costing
Profitability Analysis